Saturday, November 25, 2006

It's time to take a stand.

the chinese are coming. we must fight them.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Par 3

For those who have been following the periolus journey of my right ear (i'm sure you all have), this has been my 3rd surgery in a month. i still can't hear out of it. it's getting pretty frustrating. on the upside, i'm getting lots of... um... shoot no upside. I'm sure things will pick up from here.
And now for the tale of the dreaded 3 hump whump...

Sunday, November 05, 2006

The Big One

Today is the day. This is it, folks. The Big one. The One You've All Been Waiting For. There's no more turning back. We're gonna do this, and we're gonna do it together. Prepare yourselves- psyche in. We may never get another chance like this. Let's get out there and make it count! Let's do this!