Saturday, December 02, 2006

See, it's like a borstche...

Heck of a Bar Mitzvah.
my lil bro OutofAMMO just got bar mitzvah'd. i'm so proud of him. of course, there was all the last minute panic and snafus and whatnot, but we made it through alive. in particular, i'm talking about his speech. traditionally, the bar itzvah boy gives a speech in front of the whole shul after davening. well, OOA didn't really get to write this one under ideal circumstances. there was abba, of course, pulling one way, and rebbi pulling one way, and blah blah blah... abba told me weeks ago to go over it with him, but i was lazy and i kept putting it off. last week i saw the speech lying around in our bedroom. i looked at it and thought, omg. thank GD this is just the rough draft.
it wasn't the rough draft.
silly me.
so there we were, me and OOA, at 1 am the night of his bar mitzvah- friday night, so we couldn't write- completely throwing away his written speech and coming up with something that made sense, at least grammatically. crazy. i don't know how he remembered all the stuff we did, but mostly he just had to improvise and we both knew that he wasn't really sure what he was gonna say and we only had a previous draft of the speech to look at and most of it made no sense and we were both sure it was gonna be a total flopp and
you know what?
he did FINE. Better than fine, he was perfect. just the right speed, good volume, he somehow plowed through all the garbled wreck of his speech without hesitation or doubt, getting everything right, making sense where we had given up the previous night, deciding that therewas no way. he kept his head and he did it, and everyone thought it was great. im so proud of him. what a relief. tho more so for him than for me, i imagine.
yeah its like a bortsche i mean the speech. ok i was thinking of a chinese proverb- bickering detective like japanese bortsche- everything go to pot. don't know how that found its way into the headlines. my apologies.


Ayelet said...

You're so sweet. He's lucky to have a bro that's there to help out and to shep nachas.

outofAMMO said...


.30cal said...

i don't know about shepin' nachas... but the cholent was really exceptional, and i got to come home for the weekend, so what the heck. thanks for being born, shua!

outofAMMO said...

...I never thought I'd see the day...

Foust said...

I want some chulent right now.

outofAMMO said...

so what are you doing at the computer?

iguana said...

I agree, the cholent was good. Heck it was great, you know why? Because I didn't get a stomach ache ten minutes after eating it!

outofAMMO said...

no, we're talking about the chulent, not your stomach.

.30cal said...

i do believe she said shepping NACHAS, people, not shepping CHULENT. let's try to stay on topic.

outofAMMO said...

how could we forget about chulent?

iguana said...

(chanting) Chulent! Chulent! Chulent!