Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Departed

well, i seem to have recovered from the hideous blue funk, though for how long I can't say. maybe I just needed a little hope, a little direction, something to work towards. i'm not even sure i have that now, but i feel kinda like i do. ah vell.

on another note, i decided that ima try using this little scanner thing we have attached to our computer. if i figure out how to use it, i can put up some art and cartoons i drew during the school year. on my notes. in essentially every class. its some not bad stuff, so i'll see about that.


outofAMMO said...

The departed. That's a good blue funk band name.

.30cal said...

personally, i'd rather see it as a martin scorcee film.

outofAMMO said...

We can't all be like you

Rafiki said...

what's blue funk?

Mrs. Balabusta said...

Or course, you forget to mention the part about how in two weeks you are going on a trip that is going to change your life.....

Foust said...

Why is funk blue anyway?

fudge said...

gah! your mother reads your blog! and its comments are full of your closest relatives typing electronically what would take far less time to go upstairs and say! BRAIN FREEZE!

Shira Salamone said...

Now, now, Fudge, your father reads *your* blog. As for the comments being full of relatives (and *you* are ? :) ), .30cal is just in training for NYC. Remember those days? :)

.30cal said...

yeah, the relatives i haven't got a problem with, but mom can SO not post here. she'd take me to task for stuff digitally, and thats no fun. she could walk downstairs and do that.

iguana said...

Poor 30cal. It's a good thing mom dosn't read my blog. She'd probably tear up her computer screen right on the spot.

outofAMMO said...


iguana said...

Outofammo, do you have something you want to share with the class?

.30cal said...

look how she rejected that guff. lol (yes, lol)

Rafiki said...

stop making those (:'s. it's kind of strange.

iguana said...

But Rafiki! If we get rid of all our :)'s, how will we express true feelings over the internet? :0

outofAMMO said...

Nonononono, I completley agree with Rafiki.

iguana said...


PsychoToddler said...


PsychoToddler said...

That last one means I'm worried because I have ketchup leaking out the side of my mouth.

outofAMMO said...

That is troubling.

.30cal said...

it'll be fine. just apply mustard and der bratwurst.

iguana said...

If you want to make it worried, you go like this. :0

iguana said...

Notice how I wrote "it"

outofAMMO said...
