Friday, September 21, 2007

These Things

These are the best freakin days of my life. Woot! Thanks God.


iguana said...

Call me crazy, but Yom Kipur is not really what a lot of people would call "the happiest days of thier lives".

.30cal said...

actually, yom kippur is the happiest day of the year.

Foust said...

Man, I love Yom Kippur

Its like my birthday, except theres no cake

iguana said...

and your present could be food!

.30cal said...

rafi just had his birthday. it wa also like my birthday, just with cake.

iguana said...

"it wa almost" like your birthday huh? What's this wa?

Foust said...


Some of us have regular access to computers and this blog is getting

iguana said...

AGREED. 30cal, either blog more often or me and foust will remove the blog from the blogosphere with secret blog-removing blog techiniques!

Foust said...

we really heve those tactics, you know