Sunday, October 23, 2005

Forgotten/not at all scary

OK I think i've discovered the cause of my blog's sudden drop in popularity. I forgot it existed. also, i did not figure out how to post on it untill tonight. it's wilting away now. I send an urgent plea for help to the PT: Please link to my blog! It will shrivel away into nothingness if you don't! also if i forget about it again, i can remember by going to your blog.

on a very much different note, today i went out to see a movie, like the in-a-theater type. it was called DOOM, based on a popular videogame from the early 1990s. it was supposed to be really scary, and my brother larry (yeah whtvr u all know who i mean) who is a big fan of DOOM, wanted to see the movie. "Larry," i said, shaking my head, "you can't stand scary stuff. this movie is bound to be very scary! why would you want to see it?" to which he replied, "moe, just cuz you're too scared to watch it, doesn't mean i should be." Well, i couldnt let that one go. oh no. so i went with him, just to prove to him that his big brother isnt a sissie. of course, it also helped that i haven't done anything else yet all succos break.
The movie was rather dissappointing. I honestly expected it to be scary, but it wasn't. somewhere they botched it up, turning it from an action-packed horror film into a rather-boring action film. maybe it was the cheesy generic rock music that seemed to start up at random places. when we walked out, my brother said to me, "ha, moe, that wasnt scary at all!" as much as i love arguing with him, i had to concede the point.

wow, my first movie review. catching up on you, fudge!


.30cal said...

listen amigo, melanie, as far as comments go, yours sux. Although i may want to look into that road construction of pa. s'a pretty hot topic right around now.
ok i also noticed that my post is absolutely riddled with redundencies. i wrote it a 1 am, plz have mercy bloggers!

Mrs. Balabusta said...

you need to change your settings to keep the riff raff out.

.30cal said...

A change of settings. thats the same thing the student counseler keeps telling me. he never goes into the details of "how" or "why". actually, now that i think of it, the why is pretty obvious.