Thursday, February 08, 2007

New .30cal Avatar

Hopefully this one is more visible.


Rafiki said...

...machine guns!!!

.30cal said...

see i think its this kind of cynicism that's really starting to uh poison our society- oh look, what's this? a monkey!

outofAMMO said...

I has a solution to the monkey problem.

iguana said...

I dunno. The other one seemed more visible because it was darker. But this one looks more "machine-gunnish"

.30cal said...

i know I couldn't see the other one, so i figured u guys couldn't either. whatever, this onelooks more watercolory.

PsychoToddler said...

I miss Christin


iguana said...

Water-colory? What does THAT have to do with blogging?

outofAMMO said...

says the lizard.

iguana said...

Looks who's talking! I have a photo of a lizard, while you have a sketch of a tank.

outofAMMO said...

its actually a model.

fudge said...

you do realize that per your birthday, you are no longer one half of thirty, or even one half of thirty-two, right?

outofAMMO said...

he's never been strong in math.

iguana said...

blogging is not about math! What is WRONG with you people!?

outofAMMO said...

whos the one who posted about algebra?

.30cal said...

you know, fudge, i was just thinking that. i am now one-hal-of-34. unfortunately, i don't know of any machine guns that are .34 caliber, so that's out the window.

iguana said...

When PT gave me a blog, he told me to not give away my secret identidy or my age. Has it ever occured to you that someone might figure out the "one half of thirty" thing and deduce your true age? Those things are bad for you!

outofAMMO said...

oh no! we've been found out! Kovi, quick, tell them that she set you up!

.30cal said...

she set me up! SHE SET ME UP! I'm not really 15, I swear!

Rafiki said...

you pooty smart fer a monkey

iguana said...

It was BiscutDoughHandsMan the whole time!