Thursday, April 05, 2007

Where is this going, anyway?

It's been a pretty nice vacation, so far. Hope yall are enjoying it. Happy passover. I think maybe I'm just to lazy to blog. That would explain things, alright. I guess maybe I've finally come to see the great perilous ways of the internet. or maybe i just have better things to do. Like talk on cellphones. Through headphones. To girls. Listening to non-jewish music whilst ditching class. wow, i feel sardonic tonight. clearly I'm up too late. Oh God, my caps letters are deteriorating. time to bring this to a halt before it rambles any further awwwww --
we've hit a snag.


outofAMMO said...

someone should have you taken out and shot.

Dupa Jasia said...

We have nothing more elegant in flexeril stock.. Soon he would have to be making for what lea the western shore offered; but he was holding to the middle of the river as long as he could, because with every mile the shores were growing more familiar, calling to him to make what cialis speed he could.. It is not at first easy to form an opinion as to the extent of the condensation; the biaxin more deeply you go into the analysis, the more deeply you are impressed by it...

outofAMMO said...


outofAMMO said...


iguana said...

Don't you die on me, Man down!

.30cal said...

that's some good poetry there. first rate.

iguana said...

what I said was not poetry. What I said was
"Don't you die on me man down!".