Thursday, August 09, 2007

New Avatar... again

Hello from Israel! and to celebrate this place's awesomeness, i have found a new avatar. go IDF!


outofAMMO said...

Woah, wait a sec. Youre blogging FROM ISRAEL? Can you do that?

Rafiki said...

so you and shua both have tank avatars now? is it contagious or something?

.30cal said...

it is far more than just a tank, fool. it is a man standing on top of a tank, and he is jewish/

Foust said...

My tank is also from Israel.

outofAMMO said...

I see.

Foust said...

when yall coming back from the holy land

outofAMMO said...

monday, but were getting back on tuesday.

outofAMMO said...

i have more tanks than you.

iguana said...

no, no, no! Clearly I'M the one with the coolest avatar!

.30cal said...

i saw ur tank at the tank museum yesterday, foust. it's a little pisher tank. it's called a Stuart. does this reflect your inner feelings of smallness and insecurity?

Foust said...

No, it represent that fact that I can handle a small tank with style. I dont need a big tank.

Tough guys drive small tanks

.30cal said...

so ur like a french poodle.
i get it.

iguana said...

That's one tough frenchi there,

Foust said...

I couldnt take the tank any more, so...

Foust said...

I think it is time for a new entry

iguana said...

Wow. Go Ford.